If you want to make your own custom sized, custom graphics printed and branded bag, no matter it is a shopping bag, packaging bag, mailing bag or others, what you need to think of are simply the following: 1. What is the size of your requested bag? What item(s) will be put into the bag? How large is it? How many items will be put into the bag on average? Do you need to make different sized bags, say, S, M, L, XL sizes? 2. What is the thickness of the bag? It will be the same question to ask: What item(s) will be put into the bag? How heavy is it? How many items will be put into the bag on average? Actually, the basic rule of thumb is that the larger the bag, usually the thicker the bag will be (assuming larger and/or more items will be put into the bag). 3. What will be the custom printing? How many colours will be printed? How many size will be printed? Usually the answer will be very much within the three choices: - One side printing; - Two sides printing (same grap...